Luis Diaz - Assistant Principal over Attendance
[email protected]
(951) 352 – 8316 EX: 61204
Main Duties Include:
* Attendance Tracking
* Registration - WOW week
* Assist with Title IX Investigations
* Bell Schedule
* Enrollments / Withdrawals
* Cherished memories
* Independent Studies
* SART/SARB Meetings
* Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)
* Student Handbook
* Summer Mailer
* Technology
* Textbooks
* Heritage and Legacy
* School Site Council
* Title I
* Unduplicated
* CAASPP Testing
* ELPAC testing
* Special Education
* World Languages
Mr. Diaz joined the Arlington Administration team in 2022 after serving 16 years as a history teacher at Arlington, 2 at Central Middle school and an impressive 30 years at RUSD starting off as a classified employee. He has a Masters in History from Cal Poly Pamona and a Masters of Educational Leadership from Chapman University. He served as Department Chair, Team Lead and was the district liaison for History. He helped create a consistent school-wide behavior management system and individual support systems for struggling students. He believes restorative practices are an effective method for helping students understand the consequences of their behavior and then reintegrate after understanding the harm that was created around the choices made. Mr. Diaz connects with students and values the relationships he has created with students, staff and Alumni over the years at Arlington. He is looking forward to restructuring the attendance policy and procedures as Assistant Principal over Attendance for the 24-25 school year.